I'm user DekaTria over there.
I'm currently using the site to memorize Japanese Kanji and to expand my vocabulary.
Site features:
iKnow! - This feature takes you through the paces on the flash cards. It quizes you with the front of the card, the back of the card, the word used in a sentence, and the spelling. If you miss a word it gives it to you again and again until you get it. You have the option of choosing five or ten cards to work on at a time. The site then gives notice when you should be studying the list again with a reminder in red next to the button.
Drill Beta - An efficient way to learn new material which acts much like a quiz.
Dictation - Another way to practice what you are learning. This provides great practice for sentence patterns and will also sharpen your listening and typing skills.
Brain Speed - This is a fun game of speed recognition that tests you on the cards you have already learned. It has several speed settings which will work on improving how quickly you recognize your facts. It's a fun game complete with three lives and high scores. I enjoy this fast-paced review arcade game.
I don't think I can do the site justice in explaining how they came up with their method. So instead, I will link you to where they explain it themselves. That link will take you to their quick tour page. Or you can watch their video:
So I hope you check out this fabulous long term memory tool and feed your curiosity.
Want to:
Learn the Countries of the World?
Master the Capitals of the World?Beat the SAT Verbal?Master Hiragana & Katakana?
Core 2000: Master the Top 2,000 Words in Japanese?These are just a few of the sets that has made. You are also able to browse and learn any of the thousands of goals created by and other users.
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